My Story
Yasmine El Baz is a public speaking & executive speech coach, the founder & CLO of the School of Public Speaking training & coaching company, and an instructor at the American University in Cairo.
Yasmine has been coaching executives, public figures and spokespersons on public speaking for more than 10 years; she designed training techniques and workshops’ content to unleash people potentials. She provided more than 400 training workshops and 600+ coaching sessions to professionals around the world.
Yasmine is also a professional international speaker with more than 11 years’ experience; she was the host of many conferences, a keynote speaker in multiple international events and spoken in-front of more than 10,000 professionals in different industries in different countries in the region like Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordon, Oman and Bahrain. Yasmine was also invited to share the power of public speaking on one of Tedx stages in 2016.
At the beginning of 2018, Yasmine signed a partnership with Edraak, the biggest online learning platform in Arabic language and a part of Queen Rania foundation in Jordon, to launch the 1st online free Arabic public speaking course.
Yasmine held the position of the vice president of education at Cairo toastmasters club, a part of Toastmasters international institution which is the biggest international institution for public speaking and leadership and she introduced the first youth leadership toastmasters program in Egypt.
Yasmine believes that through her public speaking experience and for being also an international speaker, she can motivate people through training and coaching to make use of their skills and capabilities. Her belief in the importance of empowering people and that everyone should have the ability to speak up their ideas and dreams are her main driver in becoming a trainer and a coach.

My Values
I believe most people waste their lives trying to be something that they are not thinking that this will make them more successful, and they unknowingly completely disregard the fact that being themselves with their pros and cons could grant them more success than anything else.
For me, authenticity was and will always be an essential part of what success is all about.
From the moment I decided to establish a career in public speaking, I made sure that each word I include in my training sessions and each word I write represent my own beliefs and philosophy based on my experiences.
I always stress on the importance of authenticity as a value, that’s why I encourage my clients to write with their own words, express in their own style, and become their own version of what we call a great speaker.
Sustaining our values along the way isn't as simple as it sounds, however, during your journey if you even make baby steps without destroying another person nor stealing someone else’s effort nor claiming something that’s far from your true self then you’ve achieved success bigger than you think.
I encourage my clients to have patience, to work hard to earn their success, and to be fully aware that each minute they spend preparing will eventually have a strong influence on their audience.
My professional relationship with my clients goes beyond just holding training or a coaching session. For me, I see the growth of each individual I coach as an ongoing project in which I track its growth day by day and year by year.
After each event or session, I always review all the moments and ask myself:
Was I helpful enough?
Did I give each group the attention they need?
Did I make sure I answered all questions properly? Or I should have spent more time explaining the answer?
And as long as I’m asking these questions, I feel I’m still self-conscious and that ego didn’t drift me away from my values.
I also believe that our commitment is what can make us succeed; I always remind my clients that their commitment towards bringing the best out of themselves is an essential base in their sessions with me, and equally important is their commitment to bringing real value to their audience, because this is the main pillar for the success of their speeches/presentations.
It was never about the applause nor about the recognition, it is about the audience who gave you their time, their attention, and trust to listen to you, because in the end, the only thing that remains is the change you do for others.